Best Freeware for Mac

Feb 18, 2009

Lately, computer users and the operating system with apple logo become popular. Since Apple.Inc signed agreements with Intel.Corp to use the x86 processor family, the popularity of the Apple Macintosh Mac OS abbreviated increasing. Mac OS users also began mushrooming on the internet, from the forum, mailing list, to a website that provides an application specifically for Mac OS. One of them is the website Freeware OS X with address at This website collects freeware, best freeware, designed specifically for Mac OS X. Freeware OS X is still quite new,But they promised to continue to develop this website, free continue to add new freeware each day.

Site :


Anonymous said...

dulu sih hampir pake mac.. tapi sekarang pake windows 7.... lebih mantep.... biarpun masih beta....


btw, pertamax nih oom :s

Anonymous said...

@sonia manuela
Waah, dah pake windows 7!!!
mantaph bro!!
aku ak msh pake xp :o

waktu liat di majalah reviewnya,, katanya sih versi penyempurnaan vista,, & belum bisa ditest krena masih versi beta,,,

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